Toxic Masculinity Part II: The Man Box So, what does toxic masculinity look like? Last month I started this series off with Part I discussing what Toxic Masculinity is and will continue in Part II…
Men masturbate, that is a fact. Some more than others, and for some, like myself, it is a deeper, more intense experience. It is an art. I am Bateworld member Jaxz and I’m an avid…
Many younger men really appreciate a more mature (read: older) mentor in masturbation. QUESTION: I’m in my 50s, but in shape, though there’s white in the middle of my beard. I love to bate on…
All erotic enjoyment can be considered good, healthy and psychologically beneficial. QUESTION: Seriously. I think masturbation rocks way beyond any religion! Am I evil? RESPONSE: Not at all. With all due respect for the fact…