Honor your erection as a Sacred Tree that helps to hold up the sky and returns the light to your life to you whenever you masturbate! *Featured image courtesy of Daily Mail QUESTION: I’ve sometimes…
“[…] Your beliefs and practices are not really anyone else’s business.” QUESTION: I love phallus worship, or at least the idea of it, I guess. Only some guys seem to do it with a Satanic…
Foreskin is one of my favorite phallic subjects. I have been educating people about the joys of foreskin for many years. I talk about my own and show it off quite a bit. I have…
QUESTION: I’m a proud f-to-m trans guy. Born bio female, but always felt male inside me. I’ve done hormones, breast reduction, have a beard and hair on my chest, muscular and trim. But I’ll just…
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