“[…] Your beliefs and practices are not really anyone else’s business.” QUESTION: I love phallus worship, or at least the idea of it, I guess. Only some guys seem to do it with a Satanic…
“…I’m afraid they’ll think I’m small. What can I do about this?” QUESTION: My penis seems really small to me compared with lots of guys I see online, including yours, Master Bruce. Fully as hard…
“…just seeing a penis, still always thrills me to my core!” QUESTION: I am pretty much single-minded! My earliest memory is of how penises rocked my world, even then! Ever since, I’ve had a major…
QUESTION: Love to bate on cam with my Phallic Brothers, as you call us! Really nice how many guys tell me they love my penis, how beautiful it is! It’s not huge, only it has…
It can take you to new levels of intense and profound pure penis pleasure… QUESTION: Hey, Bruce! I’ve watched so many of your videos and I hardly ever see you cum! Yeah, I’ve seen your…
“It’s nice to think that age doesn’t matter in the supportive realm of Phallic Brotherhood…” QUESTION: Cute young guys get a lot of attention for their looks, but they often lack finesse and style. As…
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