“I Guess This Is Really Good!” QUESTION: My cock is extremely sensitive, the whole thing. Yeah, the head is especially, but that spot on the underside of the head is unbelievable, almost intolerable! When I’m…
The “Expressway Y” leads to bate bliss triple A+! QUESTION: This thing you call “Expressway Y”—love it, man! It’s bate bliss triple A+++! And I’m not afraid of big words, so can you explain about…
No One Wins the Foreskin Wars… QUESTION #1: I should not say this, but foreskins look sort of weird to me. Sure, I’m American and haven’t seen many except online. Is there really something wrong…
Things that may help: good hydration, drink plenty of water, take Vitamin E… QUESTION: My favorite lube is precum. I often get quite a bit and can use it as a main lube on the…
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