In another revealing post M.B. Timothy ( Saboteur on BateWorld ) talks about overcoming masturbation shame. He also explains how we can overcome it. This is an excerpt from Timothy’s book CEDAR: An Ode To…
Male masturbation free from guilt or shame is one of the greatest glories that human life has to offer. QUESTION: I’d say I’m an antique, but in good condition. I’m also the father of two…
There is no single choice that works for all men, of course. If you are healthy […] you may enjoy a lot of masturbation without feeling depleted. QUESTION: I’m a 56-year-old male. I love masturbation…
In another revealing post M.B. Timothy (Saboteur on Bateworld) touches on feelings of shame around masturbation. He also explains how we can overcome it. This is an excerpt from Timothy’s book CEDAR: An Ode To Masturbation, available…
QUESTION: After prostate surgery, I’m lucky. I don’t ejaculate, though I sometimes ooze a little. I do have great erections and have wonderful orgasms, though. I’m 72 and in pretty good shape, so I wonder……
We jack together often, do mutual, even some frotting cock2cock, and kissing. But he won’t suck, says that’s too gay. What do I do?
I get off on getting off, but I’m basically getting off to myself, if you think about it. Is this some form of narcissism? Where does the line blur?
Are poppers okay to use in small amounts if you take blood pressure medicine?
QUESTION: Is it wrong to fantasize about something that could be immoral, or even illegal while I masturbate? Some of those things just turn me on so intensely, man, like nothing else!
RESPONSE: Many people assume that fantasizing is what masturbation is all about. Of course, creative self-pleasure has many other major delicious facets. You can make a case for the fact that watching and listening to porn is a form of media-assisted fantasy, because you use the images that arouse you to stimulate your pleasure, and yet it remains vicarious. It is not what is actually happening here and now, though your sensations are real. But live-action porn did happen somewhere at some time and was recorded for an audience.