QUESTION: What’s the longest you’ve gone uncummed while still regularly edging? What are the rewards and benefits of prolonged cum denial? RESPONSE: Honestly, I don’t generally keep track of how long it’s been since I…
Masturbation AKA Time Well Spent In another thoughtful article, long-term blog contributor M.B. Timothy (Saboteur on BateWorld) writes on the relationship between masturbation and time. Speaking on themes he explores in his new book BATORMORPHOSIS,…
“Edging Skills Are Not Easy For Me!” QUESTION: I’m working hard and practicing to become better at edging, even to masturbate mindfully. But I still ejaculate too easily, too soon, mainly because it just feels…
In another revealing post M.B. Timothy ( Saboteur on BateWorld ) talks about overcoming masturbation shame. He also explains how we can overcome it. This is an excerpt from Timothy’s book CEDAR: An Ode To…
A New Perspective On Mutual Masturbation Catherine from Whoreuro approached us with interest in writing a piece of her love of mutual masturbation with men. We want to make a full disclaimer, that although BateWorld…
Get Hip While You Unzip (Learn The Bator Lingo) When you start a new job, take up a new hobby, or even begin hanging out with a new group of friends, there is often a…
A Priest on the Edge! QUESTION: Hi, Bruce! I am a Roman Catholic priest and I love my religion! Except, since my teens I’ve loved to masturbate, which I feel brings me closer to God….
A ‘How-to’ on Dry Orgasms You might be great at edging, for hours even, prolonging your masturbation before reaching the point of no return and ejaculating. But how do you experience the orgasmic state without…
Men who master “edging” know how the practice can enhance masturbation pleasure. QUESTION: I read about this thing called the “Million Dollar Point,” a place you can press hard, right between your balls and your…
For many men this is quite common during edging, and not likely to represent any particular problem with your internal plumbing. QUESTION: When I edge real intensely, sometimes a little bit of semen comes out,…
Bateworld Teams Up With YouTube star and Gay Erotica producer Davey Wavey For New Interview Series Bateworld is keeping it fresh over on YouTube. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 15th, 2020 — Bateworld launches new stimulating…
It can take you to new levels of intense and profound pure penis pleasure… QUESTION: Hey, Bruce! I’ve watched so many of your videos and I hardly ever see you cum! Yeah, I’ve seen your…
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