Musical Comedy Whore! is the live filming of a daring and brutally honest one-man musical written by and starring Bateworld member David Pevsner based on his true-life story. Available now on DVD and streaming! David…
For BateWorld’s Tenth Anniversary, We’re proud to announce the World Premiere of “Happy Birthday To Me,” an explicit music video written by David Pevsner and starring RealGuyL.A. (Make sure you’re logged into your BW account…
I’ve said so often that one man’s art is another man’s porn, and everyone’s line is different. Just showing your dick is porn to some. I don’t know… I’ve been really enjoying expressing my sexual and artistic freedom in these photos, and the fact that some guys (and women!) seem to be inspired by a man of my age putting it all out there in a thoughtful way
“Why am I posting these pictures? I posed for them, I’m proud of them, and they are no longer my “dirty little secret”. I want all of us to feel good about our physicality and our sexuality, and not ashamed or embarrassed the way so much of society dictates. Over that…so over it.”