In University days I was a science major, a prerequisite I was required to take two geology courses, and this is where I was introduced to stone and crystal formations. On one of my crystal shopping outings I came across a book titled Crystals for Healing. This is where my love affair started and began incorporating crystals into my everyday routines.
To name a few, I used Lapis Lazuli for focus and concentration, Aventurine for abundance and Black Tourmaline to keep negativity at bay. I soon incorporated crystal energy into my relationship and sex life. Their energy worked like a charm. It gave me the stamina to last long, stay hard longer, and to have more intense orgasms. My boyfriend would travel a lot for work at the time which led me to harness the energy of crystals into my masturbation routine.
Just like all of us, crystals carry their own “personality” so to speak. If a “personality” can help you enhance an experience the particular crystal can become your best friend during self pleasure. Self pleasure is satisfying with or without a partner and for centuries it has helped us get more aligned with our true and higher selves. This in turn creates a vibration within ourselves that goes beyond the normal vibration and expands our intuition and our self awareness of our own body.
Crystals come in many shapes and sizes, so one must be mindful when it comes to choosing what type of crystal to masturbate with. My favorite shape crystal to masturbate with is what we call a Worry Stone. The Worry Stone is a flat crystal that has a concave indentation on top, it is perfect to add some lube and rub your shaft and cock head until you cum. There are also crystal dildos and butt plugs,but for the sake of topic we will stick to jacking off using crystals for their energy.

The following stones are the TOP FIVE to have and incorporate into your masturbation sessions. I will be naming the crystals, their properties and how their energy will help you have an amazing self love experience.
Rose Quartz is always the top crystal everyone mentions when it comes to love and sexual union between partners. Why haven’t they mentioned what it can do to someone using this semiprecious gem for self love? When using a Rose Quartz as a bracelet on Instagram this case a worry stone for self pleasure it manifests internal love. It intensifies our heart chakra and releases the capacity to give and receive love. When using this stone for self pleasure it opens up your heart chakra for self acceptance and self love, you cannot love someone else if you cannot love yourself intensely to begin with. Lube you’re a Rose Quartz worry stone and rub it on the head and shaft of your penis, this will lead to a very intense and pleasurable orgasm!
Fire Agate is a stone that is beautiful and comes in different tones and hues. When used for self pleasure it acts like an aphrodisiac,awakens your sexual drive and stimulates mind, body and spirit. Fire Agate as the name suggests lights that dormant fire within each one of us and makes its presence known when using this stone. Fire Agate for self pleasure is excellent for connecting the mind and sexual act of masturbation and unites them as one. For some they will get a fever before they are about to cum which intensifies the orgasm and leaves you with your body trembling after ejaculation.
Red Jasper infectious energy releases energy though our body delivering a highly energetic vibrations that reignite that sexual flame within us. Incorporating Red Jasper into our self pleasure sessions leads us to not only have a physically pleasurable experience, it helps us take the orgasm produced to a more astral/spiritual level. The physical and the spiritual unite as one which leads to “LOADS” of fun!
Garnet is known in the mineral world as the stone of sex and desire. garnet stimulates your sexual attractiveness and enhances your libido as well. This stone moves us deeper into a passionate and sensual exploration of sexual desires. Garnet is another stone that unites all parts in us that leads to pleasure in this case sexual pleasure and leads us to have an intense orgasm.
Smokey Quartz is a stone of sexual discovery. Smokey Quartz helps the wearer/user understand that sexuality is natural and enjoyable, it helps cleanse our sexual centers which leads to energy running through us more openly and increases a man’s virility.
About the Blogger: Abel was born and raised in Texas and has a background in biology/geology. He has been working with crystals for the past 21 years and incorporates them into his life coaching sessions to help his clients unlock their full potential and move their best lives. He is a LGBT and Mental Health Advocate.
Please follow him on Bateworld as ABELXSINS3
Visit his social media pages and go grab your Worry Stones for self pleasure on his online shops!
Crystal Shoppe Instagram:
Sexual Coaching Instagram: @abelxsins
Twitter: crystaltheory_
Email: [email protected]
Amazing article Abel. I use crystals in meditation and energy
work, never occured to use them in self pleasure solo sex sessions
and actually lube them up. Thanks for sharing this info and
giving me some new ideas for masturbation.
Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it! If you have any questions or want more information on crystals and their energies drop my a DM on my Instagram
I am enjoying reflecting on your article and thinking of adding crystals to my bates. Left you a not also on BW to the same effect.
Ordered a rose quartz worry stone from Etsy and it arrived today. I’ll let you know how it goes! Intriguing! Missed seeing the link to your website, but going there now to explore this more. As a newly minted Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker, I’m very interested in how to use crystals in this work. Thanks so much for your post.
Can you use a carnelian thumstone for. Masturbting?