You’re probably wondering what the hell is No Nut November (if you don’t already know) and if it’s what I think it is that it isn’t possible.
Yes, you’re right, it means exactly what you think it means. No ejaculating, no cumming, no “nutting” throughout the month of November. We see you shaking your head. “That’s IMPOSSIBLE”….”There is NO WAY!”….”This is just absurd!”…and there are probably some of you that find it to be quite easy.
Maybe it’s the ultimate edging – you can still bate, you just can’t ejaculate or maybe you want to test your willpower or just find it to be a fun challenge you’re willing to try. Either way, No Nut November is real and it is celebrated from November 1st – 30th.
That is 30 whole days of NOT masturbating to completion!
Some believe you shouldn’t even masturbate or have sex of any kind. However, it is No Nut November, not No Sexual Acts Of Any Kind November. So be our guest to bate and jerk off all you want just no coming to completion if you do partake. What would be easier – to bate and not cum, or just to not bate at all? You tell us!
There is also Movember. The challenge of growing a stache and you can’t shave for the entire month. Maybe these challenges will give you strength, test your willpower, and your ability to commit. No bating or shaving all in the same month! You might just become a whole new man…
So who invented No Nut November? Reddit had the BEST answer:
The American Squirrel lobby is widely considered to be responsible for “No Nut November”. Consider “cui bono”? (a legal term meaning “who benefits”) Squirrels. Squirrels eat a lot of nuts and since November is close to the start of winter, it’s a time when they need to stock up on calories and supplies. By convincing humans to use fewer nuts at this critical stage they gain a clear advantage.
So who really knows, but it would make sense we would turn this into something related to our manhood, a challenge just to prove it, or to feel we’ve accomplished something. Hey, more power to you if you do, honestly.
And if you do take on No Nut November you will be so prepared for Destroy Your Dick December. That’s right, the following month to make up for every single bate lost during November. For every day in December you jerk off that many days I.E. On December 1st you jerk off once, and by the 31st, the challenge would be to jerk off 31 times!
I don’t know which is worse….
But also, take your health into consideration. It might be healthier to go an entire month without ejaculating (Or will it…!?) than ejaculating 31 times in a day. I’m no physician, but my guess would be the previous. Your poor penis would be a wreck by the end of December.
What are your thoughts? Have you been participating in No Nut November? Have you before? Are you going to destroy dick in December? We want to know! Sound off below and tell us about it.
Don’t forget to use #NoNutNovember and to mention us across social if you do or don’t take the challenge!
P.S. If you are participating, here is a coupon for 1 FREE NUT (which shouldn’t be allowed, but we’re being nice because, well, we’re Bateworld)

There is no way I’d waste 1 month out of 12 denying myself what I normally do at least once a day, in order to prove a point. I think I’d rather make an attempt at ‘Naked and Afraid’ than do that!
Naked & Afraid would be tons of fun!
Personally, I think No Nut November is ridiculous. And, it’s unhealthy, really. Guys doing this are increasing their risk of prostate infections…and, according to all I’ve ever read, increasing the risk of prostate cancer.
I’m glad No Nut November is being cast this way. I think the term may have actually originated within the NoFap movement, you know the seriously deluded ‘fapstronauts’ who earn imaginary superhero capes if they are able to struggle long enough without masturbating, thinking it will improve their dating prospects. If any of our batebrothers here, though, can actually ‘pull this off’ then I’m impressed. I’m a proud member of the Ejaculated Lifestyle group on here so this will probably never be for me. I’d just like to be there on Dec. 1st when one of these guys commences with the Destroy Your Dick part. If there’s news of an earthquake we’ll know why!
I just came!