Getting verbal with a buddy is a blast! But could it also be hot to get verbal when you are alone?
The great thing about being a bator is figuring out your own methods (which definitely evolve over time!). A look around BateWorld will introduce you to the vast array of bating styles out there: Chakra-bating, cum denial, gooning; are all valid and awesome styles to try along your masturbation journey. I consider myself on the vanilla side of gooning; no degradation, just sheer bro-talk drives me wild!
A quick scan through Bateworld discussions has led me to understand that while it looks like a supermajority of us enjoy getting verbal during bate sessions with partners—either in real life or over video calls—there is scant discussion about how many of us get verbal when we are flying solo.
The closest I’ve come is this 2021 poll by BW member lubedgooner, “what is your usual noise level while you bate?” In that poll, 242 votes out of 465 (52%) selected, “I am pretty quiet . . . ” with only 67 votes (14%) reporting that they do get verbal when they are bating alone.

Up until recently, saying things out loud during a bate sesh never occurred to me unless I was in the company of another bator. A mutual masturbation session usually calls for us to get stoopid and say things like, “Look at our greasy dongs!” Getting verbal with a buddy is a blast! But could it also be hot to get verbal when you are alone? The answer to that is, hell yes it is!
“Getting verbal with a buddy is a blast! But could it also be hot to get verbal when you are alone? The answer to that is, hell yes it is!”
Back in the early days of the pandemic when hosting mutual masturbation meetups was not an option for me, I got so lonely, and soooooo bored having no one else there to share my love of masturbating penis! Finally, one time when I was deep into my bate, I turned my head to the left and imagined one of my favorite bate buddies was there with me. I started nodding enthusiastically to my imaginary buddy, and then I just went for it: I found myself vocalizing the kinds of things I would say to him if he was really there, beating his meat alongside me. Much to my surprise, it was really fucking hot! The more things I said out loud, the more the fantasy came to life. It felt like I was jacking into the Matrix, or more like I was jacking off in the Matrix. Heh 😉
Now I do it all the time and I swear I cum twice as hard than when I’m bating quietly.
A variant on this is watching those homemade videos of guys jacking off (if you are straight or bi, then of course there are videos of women doing this too). You can pretend you are either on a video call with him/her/them, or that you are there with them in real life, on the same bed, or in another chair facing them. Start saying whatever it is you would say if they were really there with you. It’s even better if the performer gets verbal too, and you can react and say things back to them. The same applies to traditional porn scenes, where there are two or more people jerking, sucking, rimming, fucking. Just go for it. Start commenting on the performers as if you were there in the room with them. Think of it as being no different than cheering for your favorite football team on TV. Go Boners! Get it in the endzone!
Most sex advice writers recommend talking dirty during masturbation in order to learn how to talk dirty during sex. This is because many people have stage fright when it comes to getting verbal in bed, and so they can practice sex-talk while they are flogging the bishop or flicking the bean. While, yes, getting verbal when you are masturbating alone is a great way to rehearse for your next buddy-bate, I am prescribing that getting verbal with yourself doesn’t have to be just for “practice.” Getting verbal with yourself will increase the intensity of your solo bate sessions exponentially.
“I am prescribing that getting verbal with yourself doesn’t have to be just for “practice.” Getting verbal with yourself will increase the intensity of your solo bate sessions exponentially.”
Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of money for sex research, and even less for masturbation. However, one area of life that does have a ton of funding for research where we can sometimes find overlaps with sex and masturbation, is sports and exercise. Articles such as, “How positive self-talk helps in sport and exercise,” by Hussle, delve into the effectiveness of positive-self-talk before and during athletic training. If talking to yourself can provide better results in exercise and sports, then we can easily transfer that over to bating, especially since many BateWorld members treat their masturbation like it might as well be a pro sport.
One aspect of the research into positive-self-talk that especially resonates with getting verbal during a solo bate is how we should talk to ourselves. As it turns out, the most effective way is to use second- or third-person pronouns. According to studies, saying the word “I” has a tendency to stress us out, but saying “you,” “we,” or even “he/she/they” when talking to oneself have proven to lead to better outcomes. Reading that just blew my mind when I was applying it to the past two years that I have been verbally bating alone: I always phrase it with second-person pronouns. Even though I am imagining a friend being there, in reality all of the words coming out of my mouth are directed at myself. They are not just words and phrases that turn me, they are also words of positive encouragement. Just like an athlete in training, I am reaping the benefits of positive-self-talk when I verbally masturbate alone.
Before I close out this Bator Blog entry, as I mentioned above, there is little money for sex research, and even less for masturbation research. As members of the BateWorld community, what we have to rely on is learning more about masturbation from sharing our experiences with each other.
So let us know in the comments, are you verbal when you solo bate? If so, what do you like to say and what do you imagine? Do you reap the benefits of positive-self-talk because you get verbal in your personal bating? Or if you never have done it and decide to try it out, tell us how it went!
Written by BateWorld member FROTOLOGIST
I’m only verbal when I’m skyping off with someone. Otherwise, getting verbal isn’t something I normally do when alone and masturbating.
I never saw the point in it until I went for it out of sheer boredom/desperation/curiosity. You should give it a try!
I’m an insatiable verbal bator. I love verbal buddies whether on cam, voice, porn, or zoom. I have started being very verbal when I’m solo and it takes me deeper into my bate. I’m going to try your tip to talk to the guys in the porn I’m watching. Thanks for the tips. Hot voice BTW. Damn.
Thanks, Mike! I had a lot of fun recording it, obv 😉
Hey there Bate Bro..I’ve always been a verbal guy when Fucking or Bating. Not just about my Cock, but also if a guy is masc and hairy I talk about that. And I love having one hand wrapped around my or my Bate mates cock and under his furry low hangers as well…
fuck yeah!!!!
Being verbal while I masturbate is inevitable. I often bate in front of a mirror(s) and I constantly make remarks about my cock, how much I love to masturbate and other statements. I even have conversations with my mirrored image as if the image was another bator. Strange?, maybe, but not for me. I am even verbal when not in front of a mirror. I find it arousing to hear my trigger words: masturbator, masturbate, masturbating masturbation, cock and cum. I have a blog that is almost completed and will be published in mid August. This blog gives details a recent masturbation session of mine and does mention my being verbal.
I recommend trying talking to yourself, offer encouragement to yourself, compliment yourself, use your trigger words and enjoy your masturbation session more. Bate on, brothers.
Yes, I do the same things when I masturbate– I love to talk dirty to myself while watching myself in a full-length mirror. I call myself dirty names, like masturbating slut and whore, and talk to myself about how much I love my nipples, ass, and erect cock.
Fascinating article and thanks for raising awareness about this. You are right… BW is a great place for us to understand each other better without the need (necessarily) for scientific research. In a way, we are our own research lab with all the polls and the chatter that goes on amongst us. I’ve learned more about myself, other men, bating and male sexuality in the few years I’ve been on here than I could ever read in a book.
Ironically, it was just several weeks back I was alone in my RV for the weekend. We have two wonderful La-z-boy chairs and they’re perfect for leaning way back, spreading the legs across the arms and having the junk take take centre stage.
I”m not sure what possessed me to do so, but I started getting verbal with myself. I had never done this before in my 50+ years of bating.
I suppose because I have become extremely verbal with my buddies over the past several years, it seemed natural to include it in my own personal bate.
I can’t honestly remember much of the content, but what I do remember was that I was talking to a watcher… a voyeur. I was telling him what I was doing and was teasing him into having to watch me. I was asking him questions like: Do you like my hard cock? Would you like to see me ejaculate? etc. etc.. I closed my eyes and imagined him there. Then another and another. A crowd gathered as I was doing this. I kept egging them on. They just had to watch AND listen.
Needless to say, the combination of the fantasy and hearing myself get quite loud at times, was thrilling beyond belief. I highly recommend it guys. Don’t be shy.
I have always talked out loud to porn, or myself when bateing. I have often thought I was the only guy that did this. I have learned so much about myself and sex since I joined this site. I have often thought I was alone, because I got off on different things. Turns out there are many browsers like me.
This is spot on. Just starting to get verbal in my solo bating and absolutely love it!!
My cock is ready for a sexy piece of ass
You bet. All the time. That’s where the fantasies run rampant. I share my bate with all my favorite slide show buds, watching ’em hang, ball bags wrapped over chairs, swinging between hairy legs, dick juice leaking, making me hungry for ball cream…
Same here bro…I usually solo bate watching other guys I think are horny. Hairy chest, Cock, Balls and crotch. Hairy holes drive me crazy.Perfect.I have a Rim chair with my Balls hangin’ low
I have done this and yeah it’s awesome, being verbal tends to help me go over the edge and deepens the experience.
Absolutely I get verbal with myself. It can be powerful and has caused me to blow plenty of loads over the years.
I usually get verbal when bating alone if I’m sexting with someone or if im on cam or phone
These are all great comments!!! OMG, you guys get it!!!
I’ve always been verbal with my self, during the edge and cum denialing. I talk to my self and I specialy love to get verbal with my Phallus. I even gave him a name ” Scorpio ” . telling him how awsome he looks when he’s hard. How much I love him. I know its a one way convers but hey what can I tell u guys what ever turns us on right…
I almost always verbally bate. Trigger words feed my bate. I often fantasize about bating with another guy or guys who are “there” with me. It totally enhances my bate.
Well, It worked. I only lasted 30 seconds into bating with you bro! 🤦🏽♂️
That was so horny. I loved not only hearing the hot sexy talk, particularly hearing you say the word “cock” so often, but I also loved hearing the squelching sound of your wet cock being enjoyed in the background.
verbal takes the bate deeper and further for me. i love to be in the moment and share the bate and verbal makes the connection deeper. part of realtime also with a bate bud. mutually revealing. the bate babble of an intense edge. the grunts and ruts of the inner beast. when alone i am talkn nasty to men on cam and a little buzzd and beered. i like it quiet and intense, and dick driven
To start, fuck man I love your voice. I’ve been bating to the bate chat that was the second audio in your blog. Most definitely enhances my bate; and talking myself and listening made for an excellent experienc.e
Alone I often talk to my cock while I bate. If nothing else, it requires breathing which is so essential to a good satisfying bate.
I sure do. I love verbal humiliation and I heal it on myself in the mirror as I masturbate like a monkey in the mirror.
Talking while bating makes me hornier. I like to talk to the guys in the porn I am watching. Also talk to myself.
Fuck man. My dick is so fucking hard. It’s great to be a man with a nice fuckin boner. And nuts full of sperm. Sure feels awesome to stroke. It’s gonna feel even more awesome when that sperm finally shoots outa my dick. I like thinking about the swimmers in my nuts, just waiting to shoot. As long as they are still in my nuts I know have major pleasure waiting for me when I finally shoot. Having a load of sperm in my nuts is great.
Talking makes it feel better. I especially like talking when I am right on the edge and about to shoot.
Fuck man that feels so good on the shaft. And fuck it is so intense rubbing the head. Fuck man. I am so close. Can’t wait to feel that sperm shoot all the way from the base of my dick and out of the head. Sperm makes me feel so good. Fuck yeah. Right on the fuckin edge. Gonna shoot and feel so good. Oh yeah I feel it building up. It’s gonna shoot outa my dick right now. Fuck yeah, here it comes! Fuck!
You have such a fucking sexy voice. I’ve bated to your bate clip dozens of times, fantasizing that I’m the bro you’re bating with and talking to you. Never fails to make me bust. I think it would be hot if guys who are into this kind of thing had a place to record bate clips like yours – a library of sorts where we could post and use other dude’s bates to get us off.
Fuck yeah! I agree and stand by this !
Totally agree. I started much the same as you and now I am hooked. Really makes me focus on my cock, balls, ass.. to focus… and my bate is way more intense. It’s also helped me encourage my bate bros and sexual partners… No need to be quiet guys, it’s a game changing experience to be verbal!
Yes I do get verbal especially in the mirror. I love being degraded and totally get off on calling myself any filthy name I can come up with.
This is psychological arousal. I find it so powerful, especially when bonding with a bate bro. Saying things like “you’re my best friend, bro”, “I love doing this with you”, and “I have a blast with you, bro. We’re like brothers.” Is EXTREMELY arousing and healing for me. It actively deconstructs so many cultural taboos around masculinity, homophobia, sexual shame, etc.
my snapchat and bateworld usernams is locker302 if anyone wants to bond with me.
So glad to have found this blog. I started talking to my cock/myself just as soon as I learned to masturbate. I’ve thought of names but I basically call him “Cock” old now and getting verbal with him is especially fun and helpful now. I love perving myself.