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Ask The Batemaster: What About Penis Worship

The Batemaster talks about Penis Worship

What is Penis Worship? How does it work? The Batemaster answers

QUESTION: I see guys talk about Penis Worship here on BateWorld pretty often. I guess some religious guys might take offense, but my own dick and my bate are so central to my life, I think I sort of understand. What do you think about Penis Worship?

RESPONSE: Great question, Brother! This is a huge and wonderful subject! In my experience, there are several basic things men mean by this. The first and most literal is to replace other religious images of the “Divine” with the Sacred Phallus, or a Phallic God or Phallic Gods. This in itself indicates a shift from the many current religious modes that are so often sex and pleasure negative, to ones that affirm the central importance of the penis and male erotic pleasure.

Unfortunately, male dominant culture has weaponized the penis as a symbol of competition and aggressive control, while in our actual experience as human males, the penis is both strong and sensitive, hard and soft, bold and regenerative. As we cultivate pure penis pleasure for its own sake, our hearts open.

In my opinion, it’s a natural “spiritual” path for you as a man to honestly place your own penis and the ecstatic states it can provide you with in a position of central importance in your life. This does challenge many beliefs to the contrary that can be understood as control mechanisms. If a culture or religion imposes secrecy, guilt, shame, or even just mixed signals onto your belief systems, you can be manipulated. It keeps you subservient. Fortunately, many modern masturbators no longer buy into this!

Penis worship has a historical context

For some men Penis Worship actually involves rituals to honor the Sacred Phallus and may employ images of the Phallus (such as the Shivalingam of East India) or images of other Phallic Gods. Usually such individual or group rites involve actual masturbation or other sexual activity to bring the experience to life and make it real.

For many other men, it’s perfectly legitimate to call your intense appreciation and obsession with your own penis, masturbation and the penises of your fellow men “Penis Worship” simply because it is of supreme importance to you. This is completely understandable and admirable.

My own approach is to accept and celebrate the central importance of my penis and the pleasure it provides me in my life as a primary focus, an ongoing daily practice that in a real sense “worships” the Source of All Things in Nature and the Universe. I don’t necessarily worship my penis itself, but with my penis I worship Life and its origins. I consider myself an integral, living part of Nature and the Universe. To me there is nothing “woo-woo” or traditionally religious about this.

In ancient times, there were many traditions that honored the Sacred Phallus, even entire cultures, such as ancient Egypt. Elsewhere: Lord Shiva, the Great God Pan, Hermes, Freyr, Cernunnos, Herne, and Tlaloc, to name just a few.

I am for any and all of the above, as ways for us human males to feel more connected with our own authentic maleness, and with the world in which we evolved.

A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at Bateworld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.

Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.

View all posts by The Batemaster (Bruce P. Grether)

How Bruce P. Grether became the Batemaster

Among his earliest memories, Bruce recalls seeing an adult man’s penis swing about anchored in a nest of curly brown hairs when the man was changing clothes. That penis fascinated him and he somehow knew it was of major importance. He also remembers how good it felt to slide down a stairway banister or to climb a tree with pressure between his legs sending delicious sensations all through his body.

At an early age, he played doctor with another boy his age, and the frottage he enjoyed as they rubbed their penises together made him feel One with All Things.

He was older, maybe 9 or 10 years when he figured out how to actually masturbate while taking a shower. Immediately Bruce became a fan of self-pleasure, though, with puberty, he became extremely shy about his body being seen. Still, when his pubic hair sprouted and his penis grew bigger, it astonished him how incredible the sensations could feel with adult genitalia.

All through his 20s and 30s Bruce loved masturbating and did it often. Something kept tell him though, that there could be more to it. None of the books he read about Tantra and Taoist erotic cultivation provided simple how-to instructions. Finally, in his early 40s, he came upon Joseph Kramer’s video about male genital massage: FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN.

Having no playmates to try this with, he tried it on himself. In the process, he discovered what he soon named “Mindful Masturbation.” For 6 weeks he masturbated for hours every day, and did not ejaculate once! This was the Penis Paradise he had been looking for since his adventures playing doctor as a young boy. He was changed forever and lost most of his shyness and insecurities.

Bruce began to listen deeply to whatever his penis told him. This way he learned more and more about male masturbation, the penis, and he studied human sexuality. Soon he was hired to write professionally for the sex education site JackinWorld (dot) com, which he did for some years under the name “Bruce McFarland.”

Since then, his erotic activism is more radical and he uses his actual given name: Bruce P. Grether, AKA the Batemaster. He has hosted workshops and now does online masturbation coaching. In 2012 his best-selling book THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN PHALLUS was published and with his handsome young friend Blue Tyger he created the Erotic Engineering site to explore advanced male self-pleasure practices.

Bruce considers himself a Missionary of the Male Mysteries and his work continues.

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  1. Hello, Brother… I’m not quite sure what you mean by “technical” in this case. Certainly I feel that masturbation is a great way to worship your cock… in particular the more artful, nuanced ways of masturbating that I call Mindful Masturbation, and Male Erotic Alchemy. The more “advanced” forms I call “3 forms of Male SoloSex Magick,” and “Golden Phallus Yoga.” Personally I might consider those the “best” because they can take you into far higher, longer, more exquisite states of bliss than everyday “jerking off.” In the broader sense, however, I’d say that ALL masturbation, even all penis pleasure is a form of worshipping the cock. I find that actual pure penis pleasure seems a lot more valuable than something more symbolic. But with penis worship, I suppose it’s ALL good! There’s a lot about those practices I described that you can learn about and vids to practice with for free on my Erotic Engineering website: and in my book THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN PHALLUS which is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Peace, BPG